Friday, October 16, 2015

Yes it has been a huge first week for the Bellbirds this week!
We were lucky to have Toni Batey , a golf professional, come and teach us some golf skills for 3 days this week.  We are getting really good at chipping and putting! 

Discovery Time always has lots to offer and it gives our children the chance to choose what they will do. They create, explore and work on problem solving activities that they are personally interested in. 

We are really loving  how the children are coming up with their own ideas and wanting to share them with others.   
 Olivia came organised with her imagination and medical kit today! We had lots of enthusiastic children helping to take care of all her puppets!
Sam H's Minion fortune tellers and  Phoenix's fantastic egg people for  growing sprouts in were also very popular!
 We made predictions and made careful observations about what happens when we mix small amounts of coloured vinegar and baking soda using a pipette.

 Mathew had lots of fun dismantling an old phone and dvd player to see how they are made. 
 We discovered how to make floating boats using corks.  We even tried putting a crew on some of them! We used our problem solving skills when some of our boats capsized!
 Tushil and Fern enjoyed making their sharks and using their  imagination to swim them around the classroom!  Tushil had lots of questions about sharks so he decided to  research some of them on the internet.

Keep up the fantastic work Bellbirds!
 We can't wait to see what ideas you will bring next!


  1. Yes we certainly had a great day today. Thank you to the three children who put the time into thinking about ideas for the day. We wish Tushil a happy birthday this weekend and thank him for the treats. Mrs. R.

  2. Fabulous week for sure!!!
